North Yorkshire Council says it's finances are not as bad as expected.
The council was expected to use £30m of it's reserves to balance the books this year, but finance boss, Councillor Gareth Dadd, says the actual figure is less.
The authority has used £19m of it's reserves this year to balance it's books.
The authority had expected a deficit of £30m.
Executive Member for finance - Councillor Gareth Dadd - says savings made through last years local government reorganisation have helped.
A report presented to the council's executive this week stated:
"There is an overall net underspend of £11.3m against budget for 2023/24. This should be seen in the context of the savings required in 2024/25, with a number of savings being delivered ahead of schedule, for example £5m utility savings, and a number of savings delivered early through service restructure"
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